The little Clay Pot

Lots of things can go in a little Clay Pot

Mountains on the Path March 17, 2013

Filed under: I ain't Proverbs 31...yet.,The forming of a little Clay Pot — littleclaypot @ 10:20 pm

It has been over a year since this little Clay Pot had anything put in it.  Well, that is not entirely true.  many, many things have been going into this little Clay Pot…just none of it has made it to the big world wide web.  Last February I was caught up in the analogy of staying on the path that God has laid out before me and has shown me.  I posted this prayer:

“God you are good.  You have a good path laid out before me.  You are Just and Merciful and you sent your Humble Servant Jesus to cover my Sins. You have shown me the good path.  Help me to stay on it today–to be just, and merciful and humble…because I cannot do it alone.  It is only in your strength that I can stay on the path today.

Today in March of 2013–I appreciate one word in that prayer more than I ever even thought possible.


I thought last year that I knew what it meant to turn each day over to the LORD.  I thought I had a pretty good grasp of what Matthew 6:34 means when it says:

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day [is] its own trouble.” -NKJV

I thought that even though I couldn’t see all those nooks and crannies on the path laid out before me…I could see the hills that I was going to climb.  I thought that because I was walking on a path that seemed to be pointing towards one thing…I would surely get there…on my schedule and my terms.

Man, oh man (or shall I say “Flesh Oh, Flesh”) —was I ever wrong. 

Well, I was wrong about the schedule…and the terms…and perhaps I totally misjudged what was going on on those hills that I thought I would be  hiking up like the Von Trapp Family at the end of The Sound of Music.  In fact, some days I am pretty sure I am climbing Everest without an Oxygen tank…or at least it feels that way.  But here is what I was right about:

  • I am still on the path that God has laid out before me.
  • It is only in His strength that I can stay on it.
  • Jesus is ever faithful to continue to mold and conform me to His image in order to teach me to be Just, and Merciful and Humble.

My husband encouraged me in January to keep writing.  Well here it is March and I just suddenly had the urge.  I am not sure where the little Clay Pot will go from here…or how often…but I wanted to put it out there that even when we are climbing mount Everest when we expected to be singing “Edelweiss” –God still knows.  He created the Mountain and placed us on it and He is going to use our time there for His glory.


5 Responses to “Mountains on the Path”

  1. Maggie Argentine Says:

    Amen to all you’ve said… and just to add, “…there really are no coincidences” and there is “..a time for every purpose under heaven.” Love you! Maggie

  2. Stacie Says:

    Absolutely Eryn. You, Shane, and kids are in my thoughts and prayers. Some days it is hard to think about the next hour, say nothing about the next day. My favorite mantra is give it up and give it to God. He would not have chosen your family unless He knew you and Shane could do wonderful things. Your strength amazes me and know you have family who love you very much. We are just a call away if needed.

  3. cnybeth Says:

    Have you read a Shepherd’s Look at Psalm 23 by Philip Keller? I am reminded of the part in the middle – Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you are with me. And you have to go up through this mountainous time to get to the pastureland and sun at the top of the hill. Keller explains this verse really nicely and I am glad to lend you the book next time I see you. Anyway, the promise is the best part – YOU ARE WITH ME! He is with you. Hang on to that piece and keep on with the life of today.

    Lots of love and prayers!

    • I think I have..I can’t find the one I am thinking of on my bookshelf. But if it is the same one, you are right. It is a very good book and he makes such good illustrations of the analogies! I will have to track it down and revisit that chapter.

  4. Colleen Says:

    You are an encouragement. Thank you both for yielding to the will of the Father when it could be so easy (in the flesh) to say “oh not us.” We are here for you and your family is in our prayers-daily. Love you both in Christ. 🙂

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